"Farming has always been our way of living. A strong attachment to the land, and to the people working and eating from this land, lead through generations of hard labour to the Hdayed Tradition.

A tradition of agriculture expertise combined with a great love of the land itself.

Our belief is simple; treat your land right and it will double your given. Treat it with love and it will prosper and profuse its bounties all over the world.

Today, we are proud to present to the consumer the most advanced agricultural product in the Middle-East: Ready Frites"

Agriculture is the tradition, art, techniques and industries utilised by man to obtain food from the land. The Hdayed family visited, every pole of a successful agriculture history.


The tradition - Set by our ancestors some hundred years ago. Their love for the land was great and wide was their dream.


The arts - The Hdayed family created a refrigerating plant for the stocking and conservation of fruits and vegetables.


The techniques - This year saw the set up of a plastic plant cater-ing for agricultural products.


The industries - Ready Frites plant was created from the Hdayed agriculture, conservation and packing expertise combined with the latest technologies in food industries.